Sunday 18 April 2010


Went to the hospital on the free bus. Most of the seats were taken up by a family of overweight chavs who were taking their daughter for a check. A bloke gave a seat to his staffy dog while old people were standing - I stood up for one. Had a chat with an old friend though.

Hospital was very full and very efficient. I handed my papers in and was seen relatively quickly by a black doctor who very obviously knew what he was doing. Told me my problem and gave me an appointment for next week - very impressed by the service.

Had a chance to watch the people in the waiting area. Why are so many people stereotypes? There was the traditional young thicky who had 'Done my knuckle in cos I smacked my mate', trying his best to impress a young slapper who had broken her wrist while pissed. Even she soon got tired of Mr Thicko and went to sit somewhere else.

The rest were old people, who , I suppose are more prone to breaking things than others.

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