Friday, 28 June 2013


I have just seen a comment on Facebook concerning the traditional 'Full English' breakfast, that asked: 'where are the hash browns?'

Hash browns?  Hash fucking browns?  How long have hash browns been part of the English breakfast?  I'll tell you how long...

Hash browns are part of the trend that makes every young person in the UK think they were born in fucking Springfield; say 'AWESOME' every ten seconds and squeal while tottering about in Keds.

It is why the spell-checker on British NATIONAL newspapers is set to American and asks you if you mean 'realize' when you type realise.

It is why people refer to their butt instead of their arse and why we have Proms FFS!!!! Proms... the kids look nice, but the expense and the overriding sense of smugness is direct from the Great Satan.

As for Trick or Fucking Treating - AAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!

It is people giving you the fucking finger instead  of flagging you off. Bastards.

It is why MTV and its ilk have transformed our kids into clones of Sabrina the Fucking Teenage Witch.

It is why they watch films like Tangled; Epic and all the others, that feature the same young, American teen, with exactly the same persona and annoying voices that our kids emulate.

Get this straight:  hash browns are no more part of an English breakfast than Bart Fucking Simpson goes to Mexborough Comp (although there are quite a few of the little twats that try to be like him!!!!)

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